Creation of suspense in series, movies, and soap operas: the cases of “Bom Dia, Verônica” (Netflix); “A Menina Que Matou Os Pais” (Amazon Prime Video); and “Beleza Fatal” (Warner Bros Discovery) - with Raphael Montes

The panel will feature the participation of renowned writer and screenwriter Raphael Montes. Montes, known for his works in suspense and crime, will discuss the techniques and strategies used in creating narrative tension in the productions "Bom Dia, Verônica" (Netflix), "A Menina Que Matou Os Pais" (Amazon Prime Video), and "Beleza Fatal" (Warner Bros Discovery). The panel will address how each of these works stands out in their respective formats—series and films—and the elements that contribute to building suspense, such as character development, intricate plots, and unexpected twists.


 Live stream available. 

Raphael Montes Casa Montes Screenwriter and producer Biography

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