Elisa Bessa
Creative TeamRaccord Produções
Graduated in Cinema from PUC-RJ and EICTV. She shot the making-of photography for the feature films “Correndo Atrás”; “Pluft”, “Cedo Demais”, “Medida Provisória” and the series “A Dona da Banca”. He directed the making-of of the feature “Câncer com Ascendente em Virgo”. Produced and photographed the short film “Tecido, Sigilo”. She directed the music videos “Caminho Traçado” and “Pai e Mãe”. She wrote and directed the short films “Instruções para Chorar” (currently being finished) and “Você”. She works permanently in the creative area of Raccord Produções.
Rodadas de Negócios | Raccord Produções |
03/10/2024 > 10:00 - 13:00 > Sala One to One Meetings |
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